HVAC Tips to Maximize Your Furnace’s Efficiency During Wisconsin Winters

January 1, 2025

Wisconsin winters bring brutal cold temperatures. These sub-freezing temps leave your furnace working overtime to keep your home warm and cozy. This could lead to drastic increases in your utilities unless you take steps to boost the efficiency of your heating system. If you find yourself cranking the thermostat more often as the temperatures dip this winter, consider the following expert heating tips to help combat the cold without adding stress to your furnace and causing a spike in your heating bills. Keep Cold Air Out The most basic thing you can do to combat the

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Are My Furnace Filters Black?

August 7, 2024

A furnace filter is an inexpensive but crucial component that keeps your heating system free of dust and other particles. It traps a substantial amount of debris and will certainly change colors over time. That said, if you’ve ever gone to change it and noticed it was completely black, it can be quite the shock. You may wonder whether that’s normal, and the answer is no. Let’s have a look at what could cause it. Are There Filters That Come Black in Color? The vast majority of furnace filters on the market have a white color.

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6 Reasons a Furnace Can Turn Off Before It Reaches the Correct Temperature

December 16, 2023

There are several reasons your furnace frequently shuts off in the middle of a heating cycle before it reaches the desired temperature. Most of the issues that can cause this to happen will need the attention of an HVAC technician. Due to the dangerous aspects of these repairs and situations, it’s not advisable to attempt the fixes on your own. Let’s take a look at six reasons this issue could potentially be happening. 1. Overheating Overheating is a common reason a furnace will shut off before it has reached the desired temperature. All modern furnaces

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Answering Your Questions About Hot Water Heaters

February 10, 2023

Hot water heaters are an essential part of your home comfort system. Many homeowners have questions about how hot water heaters work and what they need to do to keep them running efficiently. Let’s look at some of the top questions people ask about hot water heaters. What Size Hot Water Heater Do I Need for My Home? The size of your hot water heater depends on a number of factors, including the size of your household and the amount of hot water you generally use. Most homes in the US require a hot

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Choosing the Right Size Heat Pump and Why It Matters

February 2, 2023

If you own a home here in Appleton, WI, you probably already know that heating costs represent a good share of your home’s yearly energy bills. Unfortunately, adjusting your thermostat lower to save money can also impact your overall level of comfort in your home. The good news is that there’s a better way. Installing a heat pump to provide for your home’s heating needs can save you money on operating costs without sacrificing any comfort. However, you must install the right size heat pump to enjoy those benefits. Here’s why heat pump sizing is so important and how you

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Traditional vs. Tankless Water Heaters: What’s the Difference?

March 12, 2022

Having a steady supply of hot water is obviously important. Both traditional water heaters and tankless water heaters can fulfill this same important role and both can be a good option depending on the circumstances. The two work in very different ways and both have their own advantages and drawbacks. With this in mind, here is an overview of how traditional and tankless water heaters work and how they compare to each other. How a Traditional Water Heater Works Traditional water heaters use a boiler and a large tank to heat and store water. Most

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9 Reasons That Your Furnace Is Blowing Cold Air

December 7, 2021

Many homes in the United States have already turned on their furnaces to keep the chill of the winter season out. As you start the season by checking each vent and room to make sure it’s warm enough, you may find that some areas are colder than others and even that the furnace isn’t functioning as it had in the past. It’s essential to address this issue before it gets much colder outside so the home’s pipes don’t freeze and so you stay comfortable and healthy. There are many reasons why your furnace may be blowing out cold air.

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14 Reasons Why Your Furnace May Be Leaking on the Floor

November 17, 2021

Is Your Furnace Leaking? If you’re noticing a puddle of water on the ground outside your furnace, or if that puddle has been steadily increasing in size, then it sounds like your furnace is leaking! If this is what is happening, what you can do about it varies from situation to situation. We’ve outlined 14 common reasons why your furnace may be leaking and why you should call a professional furnace company like Black-Haak in Greenville, Wisconsin. 1. Water Condensation

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Best Ways to Prepare Your HVAC Unit for Winter Storms

November 10, 2021

It never seems to fail that it’s always during the worst winter storms around Fox Valley when HVAC systems tend to falter and break down. While you may not always know when one of these storms will hit, you can still have your HVAC system ready for the eventuality. Here are some of the best ways to prepare your HVAC system now for when the winter storms arrive. Why Winter Storms Cause Problems With Your HVAC System Before jumping into the specific ways to prepare, it’s helpful to know why storms cause problems. This allows you

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What Is The Ideal Temperature for Your Furnace This Winter?

November 3, 2021

In winter, the thermostat’s settings will ultimately be your personal decision. But to stay comfortable without incurring exorbitant bills, consider adjusting the configurations on your thermostat. In this article, we will explore thermostat settings for different situations during the cold season. Ideal Temperatures in Winter The goal of adjusting your thermostat is to reduce your energy consumption without compromising your comfort. The setting may vary depending on whether you are home, on vacation, or asleep. According to the Department of Energy, the best temperature range when at home is between 68 and 72

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